Well hello everyone, hope you are all fine. Today I'm going to write about a postgraduate course that I will consider taking in the future.

I would really like to finish my career, and start working immediately, at least for period of time. Unfortunately, in todays labour field, specially for my career which is Political Science, it´s difficult to find a job without having a master or some kind of postgraduate diploma. For this reason, I think I would like to do a course about international relations. Actually, the University of Chile has one, in their Instituto de Estudios Internacionales named Master in International Studies, which sound really interesting to me. Even if it is really expensive, I hope I would be able to do a postgraduate course after finishing my current studies.

Another thing I dream about doing after I finish my career is going to study abroad, specifically in Rome, Italy! Because I love the language and I think it would be such an amazing experience to live and study there, even if it´s just for one semester. Whatever course I end up doing it should be a normal course, not distance learning, because I don’t really like studying online, is so different from going to the university and being in class. I found this so much better in every aspect of it.

That were my thoughts about a postgraduate course I will consider taking in the future, thanks for reading!


  1. I would also like to do a master’s degree in international relations, I think it would be good for our career haha, it would be so funny to study in Italy, I hope we achieve it!!

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    1. Hii, I very much agree with what you say. For humanists careers in general, it is very difficult to find work, it is necessary to specialize to have more opportunities :/

      On the other hand, I hope that you can achieve your dreams, good luck !!.

  3. Hello, first of all I want to say that is very unfair that I have never hear you speaking italian!! hahah, International Relations sound cool and I hope one day go to Rome.


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